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Self Service Kiosks

Self Service Kiosks

Manage your first physical customer touch point with self service kiosks from Qmatic.
Empower your customers with tools that allow them to choose between services, check-in for appointments, find the way or simply to take a ticket to a queue.
 ï Purpose-built for environments with extensive usage. A Qmatic self service kiosk is designed to do its job for you ñ for a long period of time.
 ï A unique selection of touch screens or screens with buttons.
 ï Choose or combine the kiosks that suit your operations and premises, the coherent design allows for having a mix of kiosks, all working together.
 ï Fully flexible to work with any Qmatic system, meaning that upgrades to new systems can be made without any investment loss.

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The largest self service kiosk in our range.
 ï All the intelligence you need to give great service in one device. This makes things simple and reduces your technical worries and cost.
 ï Size and flexibility to suit any type of service or information you would like to provide.
 ï A capacitive 17 inch touch screen meaning that hardly any pressure is needed. And the angle of the screen makes it visible in a wide range of environments.

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Flexibility in a convenient size
 ï When a larger kiosk is not needed or would not fit your premises.
 ï An 8 inch high capacitive touch screen with a completely new modern design and technology. Providing the same feeling as with smart phones.

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Simplicity in a convenient size
 ï Ideal when you prefer to display a limited numbers of service choices or information
 ï When a larger kiosk is not needed or would not fit your premises.


Giving your customers clear direction for a long time to come. Hesitation and confusion is a waste of time for everybody. By providing clear direction, Notes helps speed up the flow and gives customers confidence that they are moving in the right direction.

Our way finding displays are flexible, cost effective and designed and manufactured to last the lifetime of your situation.


Vision and Sound

Speed the process and give certainty. Call customers with a polite voice in any language. People can get distracted while waiting to be served. Perhaps they are looking at merchandise or messages, for example.

Our product for voice & sound is real voice prompt that allows you to politely call your customers ó and speed up the process.


Cinematic Media Player

Every organisation wants to get its message across. The challenge is to do it in a way that engages the audience. That means delivering useful, helpful and engaging content. Qmaticís media player Cinematic allows you to do exactly this and, because you can combine your content with service information, you know your content is being looked at. Simply put, everybody benefits.

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Software - Orchestra and Solo

Qmatic Software

Based on your own aspiration you can select any of Qmatic's software solutions. Start with a Solo solution to get you going or if you have advanced need select the modern enterprise CEM platform Orchestra.
Orchestra uses open and preferred enterprise tools, favoured industry standards and leading-edge conventions to create a product that is outstanding not in the field of CEM but amongst all enterprise back office solutions.
Our range is flexible and scalable meaning that you will be able to re-use previous investments when the system is expanded.


Solo (On location)

Qmatic Solo is a perfect match to control the customer flow and to support staff serving customers in any environment. We have created Solo to be modular, which means that you can start with a base solution to suit your needs and pocket and add features as your situation evolves.
Solo is proven through thousands of installation and it is a simple, powerful and stand alone system that; 1) Organize queues and provides management information, 2) Is easy to install, stand-alone and no need for a PC, 3) Is ideal for branches with multiple service categories and basic needs and 4) Allows central monitoring of branches using the central software Qmatic Management Portal.


Orchestra (Enterprise)

Orchestra will change the way your business operates at the sharp end where the customers are. Orchestra puts you in central control of your customer’s experience. Orchestra allows you to define the way your team will handle customers when they visit your branch ñ any of your branches. It allows your whole organisation to work in harmony ñ no matter how large or complex it is.

Orchestra uses leading-edge enterprise IT standards. This use of the latest and most open standards guarantees the future-proof capability of the system. Orchestra works on the most common, up to date and open world-class standards. That means that itís designed to work for you.

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